Preschool Programs

(Early Childhood Programs)

The Franklin County School District offers 2 different types of Early Childhood Programs. The Voluntary PreK Program (VPK) is offered at all elementary schools except for Sewanee.  Acceptance into that program is based on income with those at risk being priority. The other Early Childhood Program is the Special Education Early Childhood program (619) PK Inclusion classrooms. It is offered at Cowan, Clark Memorial, Decherd and Rock Creek.  It requires that a student meet the Tennessee Department of Education (DOE) special education eligibility standards for a disability and that the disability adversely impacts them to a degree that they need specialized instruction/intervention. 

Franklin County Preschool Application Process:

An application may be downloaded and printed from this website. The initial application day is April 3, 2025 from 1:00p.m. to 5:00p.m. at the schools. After that date, applications need to be turned in at the Board of Education, not the schools.

Child must be 4 years old by August 15, 2025 to apply for Preschool for the 2025-2026 school year. Copies of the Following Documents are Required:

•Certified Birth Certificate

•Immunization Record/ Form

•Current Physician’s Physical Report

•Proof of Residence (utility bill, rent receipt, etc.)

•Proof of Income


DOCUMENTATION for ALL of the following (that apply):

The Voluntary PreK (VPK) has eligibility requirements for free/reduced lunch as determined pursuant to 42USC and therefore the following documentation is required:

  • 2024 W-2’s or tax return or last 3 consecutive pay stubs showing GROSS income
  • Food Stamps/EBT
  • Families First (TANF)
  • Foster Care
  • Head Start
  • Homeless or Migrant
  • Unemployment
  • Workman’s Comp
  • Pension(s)
  • Retirement
  • SS benefits
  • Veteran’s benefits
  • Child Support
  • Alimony
  • SSI Disability
  • AFDC/Public Assistance Payment
  • Any other income not included in the above list.

*For more information contact Patti Limbaugh at 931-967-0626

Preschool Locations:

Broadview Elementary
4980 Lynchburg Road
Winchester, TN 37398
931- 967-0132

Voluntary PreK (VPK)

Lindsay Riddle, Teacher

Decherd Elementary School
401 Bratton Street
Decherd, TN 37324
931- 967-5483

Voluntary PreK (VPK)

Angela Limbaugh, Teacher

North Lake Elementary
10626 Old Tullahoma Road
Tullahoma, TN 37388
931- 455-6239

Voluntary PreK (VPK)

Stacy Wilkinson, Teacher

Clark Memorial School
500 North Jefferson Street
Winchester, TN 37398
931- 967-2407

Voluntary PreK (VPK)

Kenell Green, Teacher

Decherd Elementary School
401 Bratton Street
Decherd, TN 37324
931- 967-5483

Voluntary PreK (VPK)

Lindsay Sears, Teacher  

Clark Memorial School
500 North Jefferson Street
Winchester, TN 37398
931- 967-2407

Voluntary PreK (VPK)

Doris Miller, Teacher

Decherd Elementary School
401 Bratton Street
Decherd, TN 37324
931- 967-5483

Special Education PreK (619)

Sarah Pennino, Teacher  

Clark Memorial School
500 North Jefferson Street
Winchester, TN 37398
931- 967-2407

Special Ed PreK (619)

Britney Graves, Teacher

Huntland School
400 Gore Street
Huntland, TN 37345
931- 361-0300

Voluntary PreK (VPK)

Amy Houk, Teacher

Cowan Elementary School
501 East Cumberland Street
Cowan, TN 37388
931- 967-7353

Voluntary PreK (VPK)

Alvina Holman, Teacher

Rock Creek Elementary
901 Rock Creek Road
Estill Springs, TN 37330
931- 361-0244

Voluntary PreK (VPK)

Amanda Wiggs, Teacher

Cowan Elementary School
501 East Cumberland Street
Cowan, TN 37388
931- 967-7353

Special Ed PreK (619)

Michelle Condra, Teacher

Rock Creek Elementary
901 Rock Creek Road
Estill Springs, TN 37330
931- 361-0244

Special Education PreK (619)

Felicia Barnett, Teacher